This specialist class is designed only for students who intend to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 level in December 2024, and those who want this type of study, but may not be actually taking the test. If you don’t know JLPT, this is not the class for you, but you can google it and read all about it.
If you don’t know the JLPT, this is not the class for you, but you can google it and read all about it.
Classes will be structured directly around test preparation, and students should use it to supplement their other student and/or to experience the real challenges of the test situation. There will be significant demands on homework/preparation between classes. You will not pass N3 if this is your only study.
Classes are on Zoom from 6:30-7:45pm on Mondays as follows – 9/23, 30, 10/7, 14, 21, 28, 11/4 and 11/18. Class on 11/25 only if teacher is sick and needs a make-up class. Test is on December 1st. Our teacher, Lathrop-sensei, has many years experience teaching specifically JLPT Test Prep classes.
Between 4 and max 10 students in class.
Students must purchase this textbook in advance and bring to first class:
The Best Practice Tests for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N3 (Japanese Edition) ISBN-10:4789017435
This book is available either on Amazon, Kinokuniya bookstore/online shop, and elsewhere.
Not sure of your level?:
Class study at JASO is a benefit of membership, so you or your company must be a current JASO member to participate. All membership details at
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