Study Japanese Language on Zoom

by Alyssa Derania on

If you are an adult and work with Japanese colleagues or you’re planning a future trip to Japan for business, our group Japanese Language Classes for Business on Zoom will help. We cover business situations in all classes, and also conversation after work and getting to know each other.

Our Philosophy: Class is intense! We’re busy working professionals and come to class to study. We use the immersion method – don’t expect to hear much English once class has started. We demand that you learn by preparing for class beforehand, then we practice and expand in the classroom setting. Then review again at home. Expect up to 2 hours preparation each week!

Class study at JASO is a benefit of membership, so you or your company must be a current JASO member to participate. Learn more about JASO membership here.

Group Class Information

  • Small group classes run 8 weeks total, 75-minute classes (10 hrs contact time)
    Maximum 10 students. Minimum 4 needed for class to run.Classes held online through Zoom or Google Meet (Teacher’s choice).
  • Week 1 starts from Monday April 21, Week 8 finishes Friday June 13, with the following week in case emergency make-up needed due to unavoidable teacher cancellation.
  • If your class is held on Mondays, please note NO class on Memorial Day, class added on Monday June 16.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to use an up-to-date operating system, camera, headphones and microphone to ensure you can engage effectively and responsibly in the classroom.
  • Quality connectivity is also the student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s. The instructor will try to make a reasonable effort in case of a student’s connectivity trouble. However, the instructor will not pause, halt or interrupt class in a way that overly impacts other students.


  • Sign-up online. Select your class. Pay the fee.
  • We make every effort to ensure you are placed correctly and we will check on new students. We do reserve the right to move you after first class. We also want you to talk to us if you think you need to move.
  • We communicate using Dropbox. Once assigned to a class, you’ll receive notification that you are added to this class Dropbox folder. Inside this folder is course textbook, welcome letter, meeting codes to enter class, and class preparation.
  • Find a quiet space for class, so as not to disrupt others.
  • You are always expected to prepare for class in advance. Instructors place class preparation notes in Dropbox several days prior to class. You will receive notification from Dropbox when materials are placed there – you’ll need to set up your Notifications, so keep checking anyway.

Our Levels Structure

Beginner level classes are for students who are new to Japanese, or have only a little self- or class-based study. Plan to start at Beginner 1 even if Beginner 2 or 3 seems more suitable. If you do NOT have a reasonable understanding of the ーて verb form, do NOT sign up for Beginner 6 or beyond.

Choose your level by signing up. If you’re new, we’ll contact you to check your level before class starts.

More details available on the registration page here.

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