DVM サービスの対象となるかどうかを検討するため、以下のフォームにお分かりになる範囲でご記入をお願いいたします。ご記入いただいた内容をもとに審査を行い、後日こちらからご連絡いたします。審査の過程で追加のご質問をさせていただく場合がございます。受け入れの可否は審査後にお知らせいたしますので、しばらくお時間をいただきますことをご了承ください。 当サービスの審査にあたっては、依頼内容に加え、コミュニティとの継続的な関係構築の可能性などを考慮し、当協会の基準に基づいて決定いたします。万が一当協会で対応が難しい場合は、依頼者様のニーズに最適なサービスを提供できる地元の事業者をご紹介いたします。
Delegation Visitation Management Program
With the support of Prosper Portland, the Port of Portland, Business Oregon and Travel Portland, JASO provides a delegation visitation (DVM) service for Japanese organizations that offer specified economic or business exchange opportunities – at no cost.
This service includes arrangement of meetings, schedules and translation, plus in-person guidance during your trip, only. All other elements of trips – accommodations, transportation, meals, fees, and so on, are not provided.
To be considered for this program, you MUST complete this form and submit. Ensure that your request is at least 4 weeks prior to the planned visit. We will respond to your initial inquiry within 7 business days. We will review and contact you after review. We may follow up with requests for more information. After review, we will accept OR pass you to a local commercial provider who can best provide for your needs.
Please note we receive more applicants than we can reasonably accommodate. We review applicants based on the quality and potential for an ongoing relationship.
If you have a different purpose for your visit and would like to be introduced to a local commercial tour operator, please contact us here and briefly explain the reason for your visit.